Get details about pinned object
GET /ipfs/pin/list/:IPFS_path
Get information about locally pinned IPFS object
Hosted Endpoint only available for hosted variant.
Path Parameters
- 200
- 400
- 403
- 404
- 418
- 429
- 500
Returns the pins pinned
Time of the creation of the IPFS object on our backends
Time of the pin of the IPFS object on our backends
IPFS hash of the pinned object
Size of the object in Bytes
Possible values: [queued|pinned|unpinned|failed|gc
State of the pinned object. We define 5 states: queued
, pinned
, unpinned
, failed
, gc
When the object is pending retrieval (i.e. after /ipfs/pin/add/{IPFS_path}
), the state is queued
If the object is already successfully retrieved, state is changed to pinned
or failed
When object is unpinned (i.e. after /ipfs/pin/remove/{IPFS_path}
) it is marked for garbage collection.
State gc
means that a previously unpinned
item has been garbage collected due to account being over storage quota.
"time_created": 1615551024,
"time_pinned": 1615551024,
"ipfs_hash": "QmdVMnULrY95mth2XkwjxDtMHvzuzmvUPTotKE1tgqKbCx",
"size": "1615551024",
"state": "pinned"
Bad request
"status_code": 400,
"error": "Bad Request",
"message": "Backend did not understand your request."
Authentication secret is missing or invalid
"status_code": 403,
"error": "Forbidden",
"message": "Invalid project token."
Component not found
"status_code": 404,
"error": "Not Found",
"message": "The requested component has not been found."
IP has been auto-banned for extensive sending of requests after usage limit has been reached
"status_code": 418,
"error": "Requested Banned",
"message": "IP has been auto-banned for flooding."
Usage limit reached
"status_code": 429,
"error": "Project Over Limit",
"message": "Usage is over limit."
Internal Server Error
"status_code": 500,
"error": "Internal Server Error",
"message": "An unexpected response was received from the backend."