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List pinned objects

GET /ipfs/pin/list

List objects pinned to local storage

Hosted Endpoint only available for hosted variant.


Query Parameters

    count integer

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 100

    Default value: 100

    The number of results displayed on one page.

    page integer

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 21474836

    Default value: 1

    The page number for listing the results.

    order string

    Possible values: [asc, desc]

    Default value: asc

    The ordering of items from the point of view of the blockchain, not the page listing itself. By default, we return oldest first, newest last.


Returns pinned objects

  • Array [
  • time_created integer required

    Creation time of the IPFS object on our backends

    time_pinned integer required

    Pin time of the IPFS object on our backends

    ipfs_hash string required

    IPFS hash of the pinned object

    size string required

    Size of the object in Bytes

    state string required

    Possible values: [queued|pinned|unpinned|failed|gc]

    State of the pinned object, which is queued when we are retriving object. If this is successful the state is changed to pinned or failed if not. The state gc means the pinned item has been garbage collected due to account being over storage quota or after it has been moved to unpinned state by removing the object pin.

  • ]