Specific account address
GET /accounts/:stake_address
Obtain information about a specific stake account.
Path Parameters
Bech32 stake address.
- 200
- 400
- 403
- 404
- 418
- 429
- 500
Return the account content.
Bech32 stake address
Registration state of an account
Epoch of the most recent action - registration or deregistration
Balance of the account in Lovelaces
Sum of all rewards for the account in the Lovelaces
Sum of all the withdrawals for the account in Lovelaces
Sum of all funds from reserves for the account in the Lovelaces
Sum of all funds from treasury for the account in the Lovelaces
Sum of available rewards that haven't been withdrawn yet for the account in the Lovelaces
Bech32 pool ID to which this account is delegated
Bech32 drep ID to which this account is delegated
"stake_address": "stake1ux3g2c9dx2nhhehyrezyxpkstartcqmu9hk63qgfkccw5rqttygt7",
"active": true,
"active_epoch": 412,
"controlled_amount": "619154618165",
"rewards_sum": "319154618165",
"withdrawals_sum": "12125369253",
"reserves_sum": "319154618165",
"treasury_sum": "12000000",
"withdrawable_amount": "319154618165",
"pool_id": "pool1pu5jlj4q9w9jlxeu370a3c9myx47md5j5m2str0naunn2q3lkdy",
"drep_id": "drep15cfxz9exyn5rx0807zvxfrvslrjqfchrd4d47kv9e0f46uedqtc"
Bad request
"status_code": 400,
"error": "Bad Request",
"message": "Backend did not understand your request."
Authentication secret is missing or invalid
"status_code": 403,
"error": "Forbidden",
"message": "Invalid project token."
Component not found
"status_code": 404,
"error": "Not Found",
"message": "The requested component has not been found."
IP has been auto-banned for extensive sending of requests after usage limit has been reached
"status_code": 418,
"error": "Requested Banned",
"message": "IP has been auto-banned for flooding."
Usage limit reached
"status_code": 429,
"error": "Project Over Limit",
"message": "Usage is over limit."
Internal Server Error
"status_code": 500,
"error": "Internal Server Error",
"message": "An unexpected response was received from the backend."