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Events overview

Blockfrost Secure Webhooks support various events such as Transaction, Block, Epoch and Delegation. Data for each event is sent in the payload field of the webhook request JSON body.

Each request body has the following fields:

id - Unique identifier of the webhook request. Each request, even coming from the same webhook, will have a distinct ID. However, requests that fail are retried multiple times with the same ID. To learn more, see Retries.

created - Unix timestamp (in seconds) with the time when our system detected the event.

webhook_id - Identifier of the Webhook, matching the ID you see in Blockfrost Dashboard.

api_version - Version of Event objects (current version is 1) affecting the schema of a webhook payload.

type - Type of the event.

payload - Event data. For the exact format of each event payload, see breakdown below.


It may happen that Cardano network rollbacks a few blocks, invalidating the event that has been sent. Due to rollbacks, you may receive the same event multiple times. To learn more see Rollbacks.


A transaction event is dispatched every time a new block is minted.

A transaction event contains an array of transactions matching your conditions. Every transaction object contains 3 fields: tx, inputs and outputs.


Fields tx, inputs and outputs match the same schema as one returned by Blockfrost API. For detailed description of each field, see Blockfrost API documentation for Transaction and transaction inputs and outputs.

Example of a webhook request with a transaction event

"id": "cd153e0a-2561-4761-9fa1-98b62937438e",
"webhook_id": "cf68eb9c-635f-415e-a5a8-6233638f28d6",
"created": 1647611209,
"api_version": 1,
"type": "transaction",
"payload": [
"tx": {
"hash": "9358fccf785f40d5507ed81b38f16b03148baf341e1de4d511689eebb436dd4b",
"block": "3e0f394b2601b99b26761bbceab1063bc7fa29578165cd840c3dee6d286e98be",
"block_height": 7012249,
"block_time": 1647611205,
"slot": 56044914,
"index": 0,
"output_amount": [{ "unit": "lovelace", "quantity": "1664454750" }],
"fees": "174345",
"deposit": "0",
"size": 426,
"invalid_before": null,
"invalid_hereafter": "56051594",
"utxo_count": 4,
"withdrawal_count": 0,
"mir_cert_count": 0,
"delegation_count": 0,
"stake_cert_count": 0,
"pool_update_count": 0,
"pool_retire_count": 0,
"asset_mint_or_burn_count": 0,
"redeemer_count": 0,
"valid_contract": true
"inputs": [
"address": "addr1q8suxg555ynm66ykapc2999hzyxnmre70xf6p20pa2z269agynrj803a45k5zqg2usxju3wk5gywqjdtd59salr9mpzq9g4r8a",
"amount": [{ "unit": "lovelace", "quantity": "556360000" }],
"tx_hash": "c4ca612037927bb6276a3742ce7ecadbaa18c91f1c756563f63dc10c8d03ef75",
"output_index": 0,
"collateral": false,
"data_hash": null
"address": "addr1qxz6gjjj5n6e0ydp2ma7nmqe6x99pskx8l6s3wuqgshmdt4gynrj803a45k5zqg2usxju3wk5gywqjdtd59salr9mpzqfxstv6",
"amount": [{ "unit": "lovelace", "quantity": "1108269095" }],
"tx_hash": "c69a4bbdc761ac7400c477d3d47a600abd450d108195c9f4e8ac462995668ea1",
"output_index": 1,
"collateral": false,
"data_hash": null
"outputs": [
"address": "addr1q9zyjm3lkfjhgt2g6cyqts8kpwppl3l5ud8afpgqxzygrhgv45sex0xp482gdrnnkzdlajwc9zalzx8zvcvum2qvkqzsln7sdv",
"amount": [{ "unit": "lovelace", "quantity": "1368000000" }],
"output_index": 0,
"data_hash": null
"address": "addr1q9f2ky7363su6wajkzgavp85hsp6h8664wgf07tcskrslz9gynrj803a45k5zqg2usxju3wk5gywqjdtd59salr9mpzq27asdl",
"amount": [{ "unit": "lovelace", "quantity": "296454750" }],
"output_index": 1,
"data_hash": null


A block event is dispatched every time a new block is minted.

A block event payload consist of Block data.


Schema of the payload data is the same as that returned by the Blockfrost API. For a detailed description check Blockfrost API documentation for Block.

Example of a webhook request with a block event

"id": "47668401-c3a4-42d4-bac1-ad46515924a3",
"webhook_id": "cf68eb9c-635f-415e-a5a8-6233638f28d7",
"created": 1650013856,
"api_version": 1,
"type": "block",
"payload": {
"time": 1650013853,
"height": 7126256,
"hash": "f49521b67b440e5030adf124aee8f88881b7682ba07acf06c2781405b0f806a4",
"slot": 58447562,
"epoch": 332,
"epoch_slot": 386762,
"slot_leader": "pool1njjr0zn7uvydjy8067nprgwlyxqnznp9wgllfnag24nycgkda25",
"size": 34617,
"tx_count": 13,
"output": "13403118309871",
"fees": "4986390",
"block_vrf": "vrf_vk197w95j9alkwt8l4g7xkccknhn4pqwx65c5saxnn5ej3cpmps72msgpw69d",
"previous_block": "9e3f5bfc9f0be44cf6e14db9ed5f1efb6b637baff0ea1740bb6711786c724915",
"next_block": null,
"confirmations": 0


An epoch event is dispatched on an epoch switch. An event payload contains information about a current epoch that has just started and a previous epoch that has ended.


Event payload consist of an object with two fields previous_epoch and current_epoch. previous_epoch contains full Epoch data, while current_epoch contains only epoch, start_time and end_time fields.

Example of a webhook request with an epoch event

"id": "5ffcaf65-7961-4377-9741-fa0c76176a4b",
"webhook_id": "b592db93-ec26-4ecc-8800-8a14b3a2806f",
"created": 1654811689,
"api_version": 1,
"type": "epoch",
"payload": {
"previous_epoch": {
"epoch": 343,
"start_time": 1654379091,
"end_time": 1654811091,
"first_block_time": 1654379116,
"last_block_time": 1654811087,
"block_count": 20994,
"tx_count": 463239,
"output": "106038169691018243",
"fees": "162340782180",
"active_stake": "24538091587045780"
"current_epoch": {
"epoch": 344,
"start_time": 1654811091,
"end_time": 1655243091


A delegation event is dispatched every time a new block is minted.

Delegations are part of transactions, which is why they are grouped by the transaction where they are included. A delegation event payload is an array of objects where each object consist of tx field with a transaction data and delegations field with a list of delegations that match the conditions for given transaction. List of delegations is expanded with pool data.


Field tx matches the same schema as Transaction returned by the Blockfrost API. List of delegations matches Transaction delegations certificates with one enhancement. Each delegation includes pool field containing a stake pool data.

Example of a webhook request with a delegation event

"id": "275d9b57-2605-4b89-b1cc-ab53a1b4f063",
"created": 1647541011,
"webhook_id": "cf68eb9c-635f-415e-a5a8-6233638f28d6",
"api_version": 1,
"type": "delegation",
"payload": [
"tx": {
"hash": "09fc6c0b11f457e79a35b41d2678915320b6ba7c285ac44e52d1bb5844e6c71c",
"block": "821218c845a7bd83ed216662b0dad08f8344383b0549169cfd93b5bd33279a03",
"block_height": 7008789,
"block_time": 1647540996,
"slot": 55974705,
"index": 19,
"output_amount": [
"unit": "lovelace",
"quantity": "37733348"
"fees": "172805",
"deposit": "0",
"size": 391,
"invalid_before": null,
"invalid_hereafter": "55988479",
"utxo_count": 2,
"withdrawal_count": 0,
"mir_cert_count": 0,
"delegation_count": 1,
"stake_cert_count": 0,
"pool_update_count": 0,
"pool_retire_count": 0,
"asset_mint_or_burn_count": 0,
"redeemer_count": 0,
"valid_contract": true
"delegations": [
"index": 0,
"cert_index": 0,
"address": "stake1uyhxaawwu3cnmuun5j4jzz8scxg3a6svnmcpuszg8leqqsgkcjlea",
"pool_id": "pool1df9rj4n0t3zlpak7xnh4ue6t3yh9zlw7a02w4l8askp77up25rt",
"active_epoch": 329,
"pool": {
"pool_id": "pool1df9rj4n0t3zlpak7xnh4ue6t3yh9zlw7a02w4l8askp77up25rt",
"hex": "6a4a39566f5c45f0f6de34ef5e674b892e517ddeebd4eafcfd8583ef",
"vrf_key": "c89955b3d37abfdc4eb0afba63392acbdb5f270ebf94dfabd7a26ae2b270bc7e",
"blocks_minted": 389,
"blocks_epoch": 1,
"live_stake": "5408747245727",
"live_size": 0.00023293805381289983,
"live_saturation": 0.08024733395935683,
"live_delegators": 1013,
"active_stake": "5781876450231",
"active_size": 0.0002485887153677961,
"declared_pledge": "50000000000",
"live_pledge": "61116592101",
"margin_cost": 0.02,
"fixed_cost": "340000000",
"reward_account": "stake1u9zzujspwtxg03d4wrnwn49fxzj4c9qqw7dwfqygjmpxsyqqe2m5j",
"owners": [
"registration": [
"retirement": []