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Our Ruby SDK, blockfrost-ruby requires at least Ruby 2.5.0 in order to work.


Gem Version

You can download the latest release directly from

$ gem install blockfrost-ruby

To build the current master, download this repo to your machine, then go to the directory:

$ cd blockfrost-ruby

And run next commands:

$ git add .
$ gem build blockfrost-ruby
$ gem install ./blockfrost-ruby-0.1.0.gem

That's it! You may use the gem in your projects.


To use this SDK, you first need login into and create your project to retrieve your API token.

And here are examples of how to use this SDK.

require 'blockfrost-ruby'

blockfrost ='your-API-key')

# The result of request is a hash object with keys [:status, :body]. Examples:
# {:status=>"200", :body=>{"is_healthy"=>true}}
# {:status=>"404", :body=>{"status_code"=>404, "error"=>"Not Found", "message"=>"The requested component has not been found."}}

# Requests which returns a list of result can be called with params.
# Allowed params are:
# :count, :page, :order, :from, :to (the same as decribed in blockfrost docs)
# :from_page, :to_page, :parallel_requests, :sleep_between_retries_ms (see below)

# Example of usage:
blockfrost.get_asset_history('81791e9e..1303035', { count: 50, page: 3, order: 'desc' })

# You may define what value should be used by default when you initialize the object.
config = { use_asc_order_as_default: false, default_count_per_page: 10 } # See the list of params below
blockfrost_configured ='your-API-key', config)
blockfrost_configured.get_block_latest_transactions # will add order=asc&count=10 to request

# But you're still able to set params for specific action:
blockfrost_configured.get_block_latest_transactions({ count: 20 }) # will add order=asc&count=20 to request

# ==================
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# ==================

# On the other words:

# 1. Install the gem and require it

require 'blockfrost-ruby'

# 2. Initialize the object with the network:

blockfrost_mainnet ='your-API-key')

# Or if you want to access other networks:

blockfrost_testnet ='your-API-key')
blockfrost_ipfs ='your-API-key')

# 3. When you initialize, you may configure what params this object will use as default:

config = { default_count_per_page: 10 }
blockfrost ='your-API-key', config)

# The list of values that can be defined in the config and its default values:

# config = {
# use_asc_order_as_default: true - the orders of lists will be asc by default
# default_count_per_page: 100 - 100 items per page
# parallel_requests: 10 - when fetching pages concurrently,
# that param defines how many request
# will be sent in one bunch
# sleep_between_retries_ms: 500 - when you send too many concurent requests,
# your account may reach the limit and the API will
# start to answer you with 4xx statuses. This value
# defines how long to wait between retries
# }

# 4. You may pass params explicitly for every request if that request accept params:

blockfrost.get_block_latest_transactions({ count: 20 })

# Allowed params are:
# :order, :page, :count, :from, :to - add ex. count= to the request
# :from_page, :to_page - when you want to get many pages you may define this params.
# Also note that you may define only :from_page and it will send requests until
# the not-nil response will be fetched.
# And 2 more params are:
# :parallel_requests, :sleep_between_retries_ms - the same as in config,
# but may be set directly to the request.

# Example of request:

blockfrost.get_list_of_next_blocks("hash_here", { count: 40, from_page: 11520, to_page: 11640, parallel_requests: 15 })

# That's it! Enjoy

All endpoints can be found here:


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to